It is just amazing to see the leaves turning their beautiful colors this early in the fall here in in Mississippi. I remember times when it has been late November before they would turn. I also remember seasons when the leaves did not turn at all. One day they were there and the next the were gone, never having turned a color. So, I considered it quite a gift today when my husband and I headed out for a ride, to not only experience some coolness and crispness in the air, but to see a few of the leaves already turning brilliant colors of gold and red as we traveled along on the interstate. Of course, it was no time and the temperature was already 84 degrees but it was such a beautiful day I felt compelled to share it.

On one of our busiest highways has a car dealership that has wild flowers that bloom every spring and fall. I stopped there the other day and took this picture. When I stopped, a salesman came out, I guess he thought I was there to buy a car...then he saw me taking pictures of the flowers! He looked a little disappointed, ha!

A beautiful lake my husband and I found today...sits behind a major shopping mall. It was truly an awesome find.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, well, it must be a duck, right? I took this picture from my car...I'm afraid of animals. They were so cute though.

These are just a few of the beautiful flowers that grow in my garden. No, not really, just kidding. They were growing at Roses department store. I thought they were so pretty and beautiful I had to have a picture. People look at you funny when you take pictures at stores.

Did you know that wherever you go, there you are?
Wonderful day, wonderful world, wonderful God.
"He hath made everything beautiful in His time" Ecclesiastes 3:11
hello there! thank you for visiting me! i have just spent some time reading here and your blog is great! you have a wonderful family, lucky girl!
smiles, bee
Well hello Miss Bee thank you for visiting. I have certainly enjoyed visiting your and Sarge's blogs! God Bless.
Wow Mom, what beautiful pictures... if I am called to write, then you are have to be called to capture. The picture of the flowers and the lake are just breath taking... we should get together and do a book. You take the pictures, and I will write.. Olive u ... Jen
Beauiful pictures, it is nice to have a real fall right on time. Thanks for sharing. It is a beautiful world.
Hey Robbin and Jen, thanks for the comments! I am beginning to enjoy taking pictures once again!
ma, I'm suppose to be green.. it was to make the phone stand out... does it look bad????
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