So...with this in mind, I'd like to talk about some things I am happy about today.
---I am happy today because in just a few days my husband and I will be visiting one of my favorite places in all the world, New York city. I am a city girl and that is one big city! And hey, it's the city that never sleeps! That works out real good for me.
---I am happy today because Sarah Palin did so well in the debate tonight. I really like her! Who knows maybe in four years it will be Hillary vs Palin! That would be a hoot! And that would make me very HAPPY!
---I am happy today because my blogger friend, Robbin, seems to be having a few good days and some good news.
---I am happy today because I have a fresh color on my hair. It is fire engine red! Don't worry, it will fade some in a few days.
---I am happy today because I have made my mind up about a few things. No need to go into detail.
---I am happy today because I actually spoke on the phone with both of my sons and visited my daughter at HER house.
---I am happy today because the Saints won last weekend.
---I am happy today because my favorite sister-in-laws mother got off the ventilator and is now in a regular room.
---I am happy today because I woke up this morning, and I was able to take a breath, and get up out of the bed on my won.
So there you have it...that is some things I am happy about today how about you? Is there some little something you are happy about? If so, please share it. I would love to hear about it!
Blessings, Peace, all good,
Thanks for remembering me today and for sharing in my good news. I like your happy song too. As for hair, I'm getting kind of use to not having to deal with any, lol, but then I'll be happy to get some back in again. Can't wait to see what it comes back as, maybe I'll be a redhead! But I'm pretty sure it will be gray! AND....I'm so jealous you get to go to New York. That's a dream of mine, and I want to see a broadway play so badly.
Thanks for sharing your happiness, it all made me smile.
My came back very dark brown and curly...it was light brown and straight before chem. But after about 6 months it went back to being straight and light reddish color.
When you get to feeling better why, just go on and take a visit to nYC! Just do it! As they say.
...it does seem like you are keeping my hours lately! lol!Take care now, I'm off to bed!
Well, aren't ya little miss happy song this morning!! ha ha I love it!!! What a wonderful way to start the day, with a happy song in my head... I love ya,soooooo sooooo much, Jen
Happy Friday to ya Jen!
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