Thursday, March 26, 2009

For The Birds

Many years ago I had a favorite aunt that said, "this getting old is for the birds!" Her statement took me quite by surprise, as she was not one given to groaning or complaining. It's taken me a few years but I think I know what she was talking about.

I have aches and pains in places I didn't know I had. Often I find it difficult to remember and some days my thinking is just plain foggy. I start out each day with the intention of being sweet, kind and patient and by days end, I find myself being Miss Grumpy herself. Day to day frustrations that I once handled with ease, now often overwhelm me.

It can be a scary thing this ageing process. I had intended to "gracefully age". That was the plan. But now, some days, OK most days, I'm not all that "graceful". Just being honest here.

The scary thing for me is my Dad died from Alzheimer's disease. So, yes, sometimes that thought and my own aging process, tends to frighten me.

I recently read a very interesting study about aging called "The Nun Study", and it has since been published into a book called "Aging With Grace". Scientist David Snowdon has been studying 678 retired sisters from Notre Dame since 1986. Some of his findings seem to indicate that Alzheimer's is not as hereditary as once believed.

Some of Snowdon's research indicate that a college education and an active intellectual life may actually protect one from this getting this disease. Also a diet high in Folic Acid and being physically active may also provide some protection.

So I am left to ponder these thoughts & questions.

*Is it time I should finally take college Algebra?

* Yes, I should be exercising more and walking much more than I have been.

*Remember to take my vitamins everyday.

*Friend someone that belongs to "Mensa".

*And last but not at all the least: Remember to remember!

~"And they remembered that God was their rock, and the high God their redeemer." Psalm 78:35~

~~~Today's post dedicated in memory of Mrs. Marth Eddy Smith. A sweet and dear church member who passed away yesterday. She would have been 90 years old in May. We love you Marth Eddy and will miss you greatly.


Anonymous said...

You're not old MeMaw. You're just wiser! :) Love you

Brenda said...

Our last name is Eddy!
Valid concerns we all have, don't we. I don't know if Algebra would be the answer for me tho'!

Andrea said...

MeMaw, in the short time I've known you I only imagine you as a wise, graceful woman of God. No one is perfect, so don't be too hard on yourself. You're a blessing!


Mike Golch said...

I know the feeling quite well my self.only I say these seizures are for the birds.thanks for stopping by my site today.

Andrea said...

Good morning, MeMaw! A Friendship Award was passed along to me from Katherine at Country Romantic. In kind, I would like to pass it on to you, for you are a wonderful friend to many Christian women. You may copy the award and paste it onto your blog. It is on the sidebar on my blog. Many blessing to you this weekend!


Barbara said...

Oh! Gosh it is getting too close for comfort here!!

We all have our negative moments, it's not living in them that makes the difference.

ambersun said...

Hi again

My grandmother is 90 and is getting sicker physically but her mind is clear.

She is sometimes uncharacteristically negative.

I am not 'older' myself but have numerous health problems - it's not much fun.

I pray God will be with you, as I'm sure He is. It sounds, from the comments here, that you are not as negative as you think you are.

God Bless


Amrita said...

Age is just a number Debra.