Sunday, August 30, 2009

How Dare You?

After church today, my husband and I felt in the mood for some Chinese food. I cannot tell you how many years we have gone to these restaurants and at the end of the meal, had fun with the reading of the fortune cookies. Some of them can be so funny and at times, some can be quite profound.

Never before have we got the same little saying. Till today, that is.

"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing".

We laughed when we realized we had both gotten the same cookie! And then we looked at each other kind of puzzled.

What does this mean? Does this mean it is high time we do something all wild and crazy like maybe parachute out of an airplane?

Bungee jump or parasail?

Nah, I's just time we pay the cashier and hurry home so we can take a nap! That's adventurous enough for this almost senior citizen couple!

If you think about it though, life can be a daring adventure everyday. Life in Christ, that is. Living everyday of your life, doing what it is that God has called you to do.

Whether that may be preaching, teaching Sunday school, cooking hamburgers, working at home, garbage collecting or as in my own line of work, detoxing alcoholics and drug addicts.

I guess the lesson here is, do all that we are called to do as unto the Lord!

I can't think of a more "daring" adventure than that, can you?

***Hope all of you are having a wonderful and blessed Sunday! I know I am!***


Susan said...

Oh I agree Debra. Being a Christian is the most exciting adventure possible.

j said...

You are right. I keep realizing that I am WORKING OUT my own salvation. There is always something ACTIVE in my faith. It amazes me. It's definitely an adventure.

So cool about the fortune cookies :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i hope you had a great nap, i know i did!! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Brenda said...

That is so funny. What are the odds of that happening I wonder?
I agree with you about napping after Sunday dinner.
God is so good and He doesn't 'dare' us to do anything that He knows we can't handle, even if we think we can't handle it.
Have a wonderfully daring week!

Anonymous said...

Neat...Neat :0) love ya! Jen

Anonymous said...

Great post, MeMaw. I have gotten some very interesting fortune cookies before. Some quite hilarious, others quite stupid. (example: I got one once that said "Get another fortune." hidden meaning?) Miss you and love you tons!

Grayquill said...

That is great advice and well said.

Brittney said...

Wow that's crazy! Following God's will can sometimes be a daring adventure. Great post! Love you!

Lady Katherine said...

Hi, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am glad to meet another Mississippi Blogger! We, Mississippi ladies and friends are going to meet for lunch one day in September, just outside of Jackson. Would love for you to join us. If you would like to be included in the link for Mississippi Magnolia Southern Belles Bloggers let me know.
Hope your toe is better! No fun, took mine almost 2 months! I worked out of Monroeville, Al I never thought to take pic of Courthouse! lol I could have taken many of places. But I was working and not blogging. lol Good to see Monroeville again! Thanks! Jerry Fish House, sometimes when you live in an area you forget these thing or places are unique! JUST like my Highway. It was in Scott County Times, I live in Rankin Co. I thought what in the world would they write about on the road I live. lol We were even in the write up. Now I look at things so different! Love Chinese food, and I hope you enjoyed the nap. We've been doing a lot of that lately. lol

Donna said...

Hello, Fellow Mississippian,
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I think yours is beautiful, and I'm signing up as a follower.
Have you been to Lady Katherine's blog?
She is another MS blogger, and she is planning a "meet" for us fellow MS bloggers. She is also having a hard time right now as she is having some health issues. I hope you sign up with us! Glad to meet you.

Mimi said...

How amazing you both got the same message in your cookies!!!
I often say do something daring, and as I age I have started doing more things --that before I would have never done!!!!
Trying a new food is scarier to me then swimming with the sharks!!!
Try something new!!!!