...it's great to be home! Hello there everyone! I certainly did not intend to be away from blogging quite this long but what can I say except to say, time flies when your having fun!
New York was beautiful and we truly enjoyed our week there. I was a little sad to see it come to a close, but it was nice to come home as well.
We timed things just right as the leaves and fall foliage were in full bloom! Brilliant colors of yellow, gold, rust and red were every where!
I will soon be making my rounds and getting caught up visiting every ones blogs. Me on vacation with eight million of my friends! It's what I love best about New York, the people.
Hubby being checked out at a deli by a very friendly cashier.
One of the first people to greet us in Times Square! Lucky for us the "Free Hugs" campaign was in process and we both got free hugs! http://www.freehugscampaign.org/
Beautiful church located in the quaint little town of West Point, NY. Right across the street was the West Point Military Academy.
Three brothers from Brooklyn, New York who happen to be visiting West Point also. They looked like mafia guys but they were some of the friendliest people we've ever met. It was kind of funny hearing their thick Brooklyn accent and our very southern drawl. Their wives were across the street shopping. They actually out talked my husband and that's pretty unusual! Just a glimpse of the lovely fall foliage on our bus tour.
This picture proves I'm not really a hat person. But it was very cold and I needed not just one but two of them! Taken on a cold and rainy cruise up the Hudson River.
Blessings everyone, peace and all that is good!
How fun! I've always wanted to take a vacation there in the fall. Glad you had such a wonderful time!
What fun. You can tell from the smile on your faces the great time you were having. Happy for you and glad you are back safe & sound.
What a beautiful trip! Your smiles show very clearly how very relaxed you were and how much you enjoyed your time in NY.
I've never been there - so I was especially blessed to share in your visit!
What a great trip! My sister and I want to go to New York between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Love the pictures and glad it was such fun.
HI Debra!!!
So happy you are back home safe and sound!!!!
I love your blog post today!!! I too love to take pics of people I meet on vacation and get to know new friends!!!!New York is a very friendly place, everyone you meet has a unique story!!!!
I will be reading all your posts about this great trip!!!!
Hi, Debra,
Thanks for stopping by. What a fun time you must have had in the Big Apple. Great pics. Thanks for sharing as I have never been there. Glad you had a great trip.
I love all of your pictures and descriptions. It looks like you had a wonderful time together in New York. I'm so glad you are back safe and sound.
Ha! I just read through your comments and I was the third person to use "Safe and Sound". Not very original commenting from me, huhn.
Oh well, more hugs!
HEY!!!! Welcome back. It looks like you had a wonderful trip. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. It's good to have you back in the blogging world. We missed YA!
Oh, I love the pictures! I can see why you hated to leave, but what precious memories you now have to ponder and share. Just lovely!
Thanks for sharing.
So glad you had a good time. Your pictures are terrific!
Sounds like a wonderful trip! I have always wanted to visit NY and one day I will!
I had to laugh at the "mafia guys" --
What fun!
West Point is on my bucket list. I'm fascinated by the place.
Welcome home!
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