Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Let The Party Begin...And Let It End!

I've started the new year party a little early. Some of you may say well "woo hoo"!

Don't get too excited. It's a pity party.

Yep, that's right. I've been having a real good pity party the last few days. Well, actually it began at Thanksgiving (I know, right, but I'm being honest here).

The Saturday after Thanksgiving my car decided it didn't want to start. And no, it hasn't been a simple problem to solve. My son-in-law, who is pretty much a genius of a mechanic, is a little perplexed by the problem and that kind of scares me.

Last week my husbands truck started to have what sounds like may be issues with the clutch or perhaps the transmission. And yes, we pay the LAST note on it in January.

Oh, and the night it snowed here, did I mention the heater in our house went out? Thankfully my husband was able to fix it. He also fixed the clogged drain pipe to my washing machine which had backed up water during a rinse cycle and spewed water everywhere. After that he patched a hole in our roof. He's a good man I tell you, yes, he is.

November, December and January will have seen all three of my children's spouses in the hospital.

And then there has been the matter of my blood pressure being totally and completly out of control. I have no idea what is going on with that. Went to the doctor yesterday and have been started on some new meds for it, so we shall see.

And lastly, and yes, it really is the least, there has been the matter of the Saints on a losing streak. OK...it's just two games, but still. I shall not say anything else about that. I have my blood pressure to consider.

So, there you have it. My end of the year, 2009 pity party.

~~Please know though, that I do realize that these are small problems. I have friends that are dealing with life and death issues. I have friends and family that are dealing with the loss of loved ones. My heart and love go out to them.~~

So, dear friends, when I hit "publish post" that will mark the end of my pity party. Praise the Lord!

Thanks for listening.

Blogging is such good therapy!


***37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:37-39)***


Susan said...

It's alright to have a pity party and when "things" pile up it does, and will, get anyone down. Yes, blogging is very theraputic. Just taking all those jumbled thoughts darting around in our head and forming them into words on a paper (oops - computer screen!) seems to make them more manageable. I like the way you ended though....pity party over! Enjoy 2010!!

Rose said...

Debra, look at your cute self! I love that pic.
Doesn't it always seem like when one thing breaks they all do. The old when it rain it pours adage.
Bless your heart. You take care of yourself. God has this and it will be fine!
Now if we could just get the Saints back on track I just know that will make it all better. WHO DAT!

http://bitsandpieces-sonja.blogspot.com/ said...

That was a good honest post! Every one of us knows what a pity party is! And then... God returns our perspective, and we know that it will all work out somehow. I love the choice at the end... hit the button and end the party! I related to the whole thing. This is a good way to begin 2010. Thanks Debra!

MomMom said...

Debra, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog (re:cotton fields). I just read your pity party post and totally understand. I look forward to reading your blog often from now on. Happy New Year!! Linda

Mimi said...

I wished I looked as good as you look in that picture when I am having a Pity Party!!!! I never have a smile on my face during it and I look like cruella de ville rather then that pretty smiling lady!!!!!
Good post!!!!!I will Pray that 2010, is a Great year right from the start!!!!! Blessings to you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh.... I tell ya Debra, my husband and I have been having the same type of party here lately.
I'm so thankful God allows us a few moments to 'whoop' it up at our personal pity parties, then His Spirit steps in, wrapping God's loving arms around us and picks up up and holds us as He leads us on. Isn't it just like God to turn our 'whine' to Living Water? (hee hee)
What a God. What a Savior. What a Peace-giver. What a 'Deliverer'.
I LOVE your honesty and I LOVE the pic!

Amrita said...

Hi Deb, hope things are better now. Please take care, I also have high blood pressure, winter is noit a good time for BP patients.

Happy New year

j said...

Everyone has a pity party occasionally. The key is not to DWELL in the negative. And it sounds like, as of publish post, you were putting it away and not dwelling. Good for you!

Do you know what always makes me smile though? Even as you were "partying" you were counting your blessings. You were thankful for your husband. You were thankful that it wasn't worse. You were thankful for friends who listen and care. THAT is a beautiful thing! Christ in us causes us to search for Joy.

Love you Debra! Prayers that all is well now.

Anonymous said...

well...shame on me, I haven't been making comments like I use to..but here lately, I have been too tired to do *anything*...totally understand about the piti party thing...been going through a weird phase myself..then I look at other people with a lot more reason to be perplexed and I feel so silly...yet I can't deny the waves ( ups and downs ) I simply must ride them out...I'm ready for summer can you tell???? ha ha Love ya!! Jen

Anonymous said...

well...shame on me, I haven't been making comments like I use to..but here lately, I have been too tired to do *anything*...totally understand about the piti party thing...been going through a weird phase myself..then I look at other people with a lot more reason to be perplexed and I feel so silly...yet I can't deny the waves ( ups and downs ) I simply must ride them out...I'm ready for summer can you tell???? ha ha Love ya!! Jen

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Blogging and chocolate to go with! How glad I am for a place and group of friends I can share my "load" with; we've all got our lists don't we!

I hope that 2010 is off to a good start and that vehicles are up and running in good condition. We are always having car issues, as both of ours are well over 100,000 miles.

Thanks for stopping by the blog and for your kind words. May the peace of Christ rule in your heart this day and in the days to come.


Patricia Everett said...

Debra, I followed your tag back from my blog and am so glad I did! Bless your heart! I'm am right there with you, sister, in more ways that one! I am so thankful to have found you and your blog. Coincidence? Not in the Lord's economy...divine appiontment is more like it!
“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ~Numbers 6:24-26