The picture on the left is my husband's graduation picture in 1970.
The picture on the right is my youngest son in 2010. The glasses and haircut are added for effect.
He (my son) does not think he looks like his dad...
Can anyone say mirror?
Happy Monday everyone!
Debra,your Hubby and I graduated in the same year! Yes you Son is a spitting image of his Dad.Years ago I found my Dad's Merchant marine id with his picture and I compared it to a pic of me as a teen and we looked a lot alike as well.
People always told me I looked like my mother when I was young. I could never see it. Now that I am older when I look in the mirror, OFTEN I see my mother looking back at me :o)
How about 'spittin image'??!!
There is definitely no denying it! Tell your son that in 20 years he will be laughing at the 'twin photos'... :)
Sorry Debra's son... you DO like like dear old dad.
My father is a lot smaller than my brother. Daddy says his son is a block off the old chip :)
Two handsome men! The smiles may be a little different, but otherwise . . .
They are twins.
Oh, that's so cute!!!!! I can understand when children dispute the notion of resemblance - but this one is a little hard to deny. He looks like his dad.
Won't be able to say that now, will he?
No denying it, father and son look amazingly alike!
HI Debra!!
I think Father and Son look identical!!!But kids are funny that way!!Both are very handsome Men!!
One day he will have a son and they will look the same and his son may say the same thing!!
how have you been lately???I have been so busy and now I am somewhat under the weather(sore throat) and I am sure it is allergies or sinus or something yucky!!!Just hanging in there and going like an energizer bunny!!!
I have a few more trips before the year is out to go on, the big family vacation in Oct is late this year, but will still be fun to get away all together!!
have a great week sweetie
That is so funny. Your husband graduated the same year as I did!.
Thanks for making me smile :)
Patrina <")>><
My older son does not look like either my husband or me. I found out that for years he thought he was in the wrong family, that somehow he had been put in the wrong bed at the hospital. When he was 10 or so, he met my youngest brother -- and that guy could have been his father they look so much alike. When that happened, my son was quite relieved. "I have the male maternal genes," he said to me in great relief! (When he was really little, and people would say they could not tell which parent he looked like, he would pipe, "I look like the mailman." I have no idea where he got that line -- and it was not true!
Wow! I'd say your son is wrong...he looks a lot like his dear ol' Dad!
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