Unkindness, unfairness, job losses, confusion, disappointment, sickness, chest pain, D-Dimer 1205? Say what? Pulmonary embolism? Not!
Anxiety, stress test, echo cardiogram, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart skipping beats.
Tension, depression, recession, cough, cold and congestion.
I am called to remember that there is "no strength where there is no struggle".
"Joseph's dungeon was the road to Joseph's throne."
Call me strong--find me in the throne room.
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39
(art work by Chis Higham @ http://www.christian-art.org.uk)
Quotes: Oprah Winfrey & Streams In The Desert
In that throne room, in the lap of our Father, may you find comfort, healing, faith, strength and peace.
Hugs and prayers,
Debra, this is an awesome post today. Romans 8:37-39 is ONE of my favorite verses in the Bible.
I did not know what D-dimer 1205 was? I hope that all is well with you. Our SS class has been studying Psalms. Safe refuge for you. I will see you in the throne room.
Peace and blessings to you and yours.
You are SOOO RIGHT!!
I think of Joseph, Daniel, Job, so many examples of great men in the BIBLE who had to go through GREAT TESTS and they all did it with the grace of God behind them.
God will see us through and give us the Strength we need.
I so agree, this country is in a BIG Fight right now, I watch Glenn Beck everyday, and he is a GREAT TEACHER and I truly believe a great Man of God. He is warning us to get our HOMES in Order. This Gov. that is running our country has an Agenda, and He feels as I do, to destroy it one piece at a time, so that The GOV can run it, and Socialism will be the way of life.
Look up George Soros, he is a very scary guy and the Pres. Great friend, his wife is Michelle's Obama's Press Sec or something.
I just Pray and Pray for our country everyday!!
HUGS 2 U my sweet friend,
I have already prepared by Spiritual Sunday post for the 28th and based it on the firey furnace that the 3 Hebrew children WENT THROUGH!!!!
Trust all is well with you Debra and that you are not being tested in a way I haven't been made aware of.
Rest and secure, knowing HE will bring us home...It is HIM and HIS work that will take us all the way home. That truth gives me much comfort
Thanks for the re-focus.
Hope you're okay, Debra. This was so very powerful!
The reality of God's presence in every corner of my life gives me grace in everything. Yes, how beautifully, Debra, you have stated the truth of power in God.
"Find me in the throne room." That is our One and only answer.
Thank you, friend, for the living word!
Hugs 2 u my sweet friend,
I found you from Dona Nobis Pacem. I love your site. I’m going to poke around a little bit, but don’t worry I’ll put everything back where I found it!!
Debra, Wow, what a post. I hope you are all right.
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