God Is There For All The Days That End In "Why?"

Genesis 22: "It is easy to assume that giving to God can be achieved without grief and terrible cost." (http://www.christian-art.org.uk/)
This post lovingly dedicated to someone I love very much.
"We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies." ~Shirley Abbott~
This post lovingly dedicated to someone I love very much.
What a wonderful, true word.
Oh my. Powerful, Debra. Blessings to that someone.
Sometimes the fewer the words the stronger the picture. That was enough to give the whole picture, both of Abraham and of us... if Jesus learned obedience through what he suffered... so do we.
I pray for the one you dedicated this too, for God's loving comfort for whatever their situation is.
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing the powerful words...Thanks for stopping by and countinue to pray...Are you going to Christine...Let me know...Call me and weed to get together again for lunch Katherinellen
Hi Debra!!!!
Oh that is a great quote, I so often have to ask WHY.I know God is always there and I wonder if he thinks my questions and prayer requests are dumb, Like I have been Praying that he slow down time, my days just fly by, I am aging and my kids are aging, I want the days to last longer!!!!
Have a great week end and enjoy your days at work blessing others!
love and hugs,
Yes, God uses everything in our lives for his glory! And, it is easy to expect painless Christianity, but it's not scriptural.
Thank you, Debra, for this beautiful word picture of truth!
I leave here inspired, as always!
Blessings Debra, Thank you so much for stopping by my blog; your comments are so kind. We have many things in common so I'll be back visiting often. I love the photo and of course the truth that was shared. In those times, we need to remember that God wastes nothing but will redeem all things.
For these times we have Jesus!
Hugs, Noreen
This post reminds me of a short story I read. A wealthy, middle-aged Jewish couple joined a synagogue after years of not attending because they wanted their little girl to have religious training. However, the story of God's substituting a sheep for Isaac upset her. It seems that all her sympathies were with the sheep! The father offered to make a very generous donation to the synagogue if only the rabbi would change the part about the sheep. The rabbi, of course, refused.
Hey Debra....
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and so nice to meet you!! I've been looking around here and so blessed by your posts. What's amazing, several of your posts are so similar to some of my past ones or those I currently stirring in my heart!! You and I are certainly on the same "page" sister!! Oh and the one about your kids not answering your calls.....I just got that this a.m. before sitting down to blog as I once again left my daughter a message to give me a call back and wondering if that's how our heavenly Daddy feels when He's waiting for His kids to answer His calls!!!
I'm following you now!
Sweet Blessings!
Debra: What a beautiful quote from Genesis. I don't ask Why too often anymore. I figure Gad has a plan and I'm just glad I'm not the one in charge.
Whoa! That picture really got to me. At first I thought there was some mistake, as Isaac was a boy, not a man. And then it hit me - Jesus was the sacrifice! Very thought provoking...
What you said here is very true Debra
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