Games I Used To Play
Sometimes, I think back on the way I passed the time away as a child and the games we used to play. While "passing time" away on the computer this week, I run across this photo that, goodness, looks like it could have been taken of me and my friends, while attending Gayarre Elementary School in New Orleans. Our school yard was all concrete and there were permanent hopscotches painted on the ground. As soon as the bell rang for recess, we would run outside and claim one to play on. I recall it being a really fun and challenging game to play.
*Photo by Shirley Baker from the book "Street Photographs: Manchester and Salford".

*Photo by Shirley Baker from the book "Street Photographs: Manchester and Salford".

And how many hours did I spend playing Double Jump Rope with my little Chinese friends from around the corner! Oh, what fun it was! They would start off turning the ropes slowly, and then when you got the hang of it real good, they would go faster and faster and your feet would become a blur till you messed up. Then it would be the other girls turn to jump and you would then be one of the rope turners.
So these were just a few of my pastimes as a child. How about you? What were some of your favorite pastimes? I would love to hear about them!
Every summer the neighborhood kids put on a "circus." Fortunately we had one girl who was a gifted acrobat and could do tricks on the swing. There were several clowns. A couple dogs and cats had to take the roles of wild animals. A "dog-lion" obeyed the commands of the "tamer." The parents provided popcorn and lemonade. They were our audience. I think the circus performance lated all of 20 minutes, but the real fun was when the kids got together to dream up plans for the circus.
Oh I remember these three well!!! Also, playing Kick the Can in the middle of the street and Red Rover Come Over and of course Hide & Seek!!!!
I grew up in Hartford, but our summer activities were about the same. Lots of hopscotch and jump rope and every night all of the neighborhood kids would play kickball. Sometimes we would put on a "show" on our front steps and sing songs. We had a lot of fun and learned to get along in a group.
I remember those as well, although I never did the double jump rope, just the single. I also remember roller skating on the side walk wearing my skates you put on your shoes with the skate key.
One thing for sure, summer was never spent inside!
We used pine straw to outline pretend houses, wrote skits and plays,printed a little newspaper, played ball, jacks, talent shows,jump rope,and my favorite was to dress up my mother's sewing mannequin.
We lived outside all day until the dark came. I remember catching lightening bugs, too. I don't remember too many mosquitos. We were raised in Shreveport, La.
Thanks for all the memories.
I remember we loved to play kick ball at recess. If we couldn't get enough for kick ball, we'd play four square.
You know what was almost as fun as playing? It was organizing. When I was in elementary school, you had to check the balls out from the recess room. So we'd spend the morning figuring out what we were playing that day. Someone would be tasked with racing over to get the ball, while others would run to the four square grid or a kick ball diamond.
Fun times.
jumprope...'not last night but the night before... 24 robbers came knocking at my door... I ran out and right back in and what do you think they said to me'... etc...
Good memories!
My mom always called me a house cat because I never liked playing outdoors. But I was an only child, and I wasn't allowed to play with other kids very often. So, I contented myself with imaginary worlds indoors... mostly through paper dolls and such.
What a wonderful post! I am grinning from ear to ear - you mentioned great passtimes! I read all the previous comments from your blog friends and they all added to my smile.
My brothers and I would take a little transistor radio, listen to the baseball games on the stoop, and set up the game with the baseball cards. If so-and-so got a single, his card went to first base, etc. That kept us busy for three hours at a crack - day game or night games.
We had family friends who lived on the farm. Once in a while I'd get to play there and we would race the sheep up and down the hay bales in the barn.
I was GREAT at jacks! My sis and I would sit on the stoop and play for hours. Then when it rained, we'd move to the kitchen floor. If you listen to a good player, there's a rhythm. I'll tell you a secret: my mother and I are teaching my granddaughter.
Jacks was a favorite with us as was jump rope. I wasn't that good at Jacks but we sure did enjoy playing it all summer long. For some reason, I was never very athletic; I much more enjoyed pencil and paper games and indoor games.
Great memories, Debra. I used to play those too, those were the days! We missed you last Sat. but we sure had a lot of fun....Christine
Hopscotch and jump rope were definately some of my favorite pasttimes. We also played a game with large pieces of elastic; do you remember that one? And we played an outdoor game called "Tiddly Winks" which took advantage of the potholes in the dirt road and 2 pieces of stick. There was always lots of fresh air and dirt! I wonder how Mom's managed all that dirt with just our weekly baths??
Thanks for visiting me. I like your blog as well.
Ah, these pictures really took me back. Hopscotch and double jumprope were my favorites...We also like to play 7-up. You bounced a ball against a house or garage, and tried to do all sorts of tricks while the ball was out of your hands. My parents loved that game too, lol...
I know Jacks was mostly a girls game but i was pretty darn good at it. I could whip most anybody. If you are ever up this way bring your Jacks. :)
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