We have electricity. We have food. We have gas. And we have water. Lots and lots of it. Seems Gustav stayed on its predicted path and went westward. Thankfully we did not get that much wind from the storm, but we got plenty and plenty of rain. It is still raining here this morning. Raining cats and dogs kinda rain, but all is well.
If you listened at all to the news media, you would think that the only place possibly affected is New Orleans. This morning that is still the only place they are focusing on. Probably making the folks in Morgan City, La. and Grand Isle a little upset, as that is where the storm actually went through.
Also, how silly do the weather people have to be? Is it really that necessary they stand out in a storm being blown all over the place to make us believe the weather really is that bad? I'm just sayin...
It's ok now if the republicans want to start their convention. Come on guys let's get goin! Can you tell I'm just a little bit excited about Sarah Palin being on the ticket. She breathes new life into my hope for a woman in the white house.
One last thing. Who was it on James Dobson's team that prayed for rain on Obama's speech? That wasn't very nice. Whose convention rain ended up interfering with?
Enough ramblings...
"He maketh the storm, so that the waves there of are still." Psalm 107:29
Blessings, peace, all good, Memaw

I thought the same thing, if it missed New Orleans, then they don't focus on where it did do the most damage. CRAZY!
I'm glad ya'll are ok. And didn't lose power and that you have what you need for now.
Thanks Robbin...yes, we are just drenched. But I am thankful nonetheless!
Thanks Robbin...yes, we are just drenched. But I am thankful nonetheless!
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