Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Called Out Of Darkness

I've never read an Anne Rice book before in my life. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't look at one, pick up one, or browse through one, being someone who truly dislikes all things vampire. And vampires is all this author ever wrote about.

Till now.

Seems the enemy lost a big battle here as this particular writer found Jesus and is now only writing about those things that are pleasing to Him.

How cool is that?

I read every word of this book and truly enjoyed it. It is a memoir of her journey from being an atheist to finding Jesus and her faith.

Bye bye "interviews with vampires".

As I said, the enemy must have wept...as the angels rejoiced.

*** Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.Luke 15:10


Art said...

I read a bunch of Rice's books in college. She's a good writer and the Vampire books that I read were more fantasy type works - not inherently evil if you approach them with the right mindset. Having said that, I understand why a lot of Christians would shy away from them.

I have heard about this book and I'll probably read it if I get the chance...

Brenda said...

What a blessing and opportunity to write about it!

Susan said...

I love hearing about victories like this.

Anonymous said...

I love you Mom....maybe this summer, I will slow down long enough to read something besides road signs lol....have a great day!

j said...

This brought chills (the HAPPY kind). I have read some of her work and finally had to just put it down and never pick it up again. It scared me too bad and I was cinvicted that her books were NOT for me.

Praise GOD that she met the Savior! Praise GOD that she accepted Him! And Praise GOD that I get to buy another book written by this gifted author!

j said...

*ahem* convicted. :}