Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Silent night

It is the wee hours of Christmas Eve morning here.  I notice the silence of this cold, dark night most especially this morning. The silence seems to bring back memories.  It calls me way back to a Christmas past.

One of the sweetest Christmas Eve memories I hold is singing that precious song "Silent Night". I was just a third grader and my cousin had come to spend the night with me. We lived in one of those very large "shot gun" houses in New Orleans. Coincidentally , at the time, we lived on Music Street. My grandmother had bedded the two of us together in one twin bed as she was to sleep in the other twin bed. In this room was a big 'old  television --early 1960's style.  On top the TV was a small aluminum Christmas tree. Quite popular of that day and time. I thought that was just the most beautiful tree in the world! 

So here it was Christmas Eve and my cousin and I snuggled into bed all warm and cozy. We were excited it was Christmas Eve and excited and happy to be spending the night together.  We had a perfect view of the Christmas tree. Granma had turned the lights off and that tree just glowed and sparkled in the dark with the blue, red, gold and white rotating flood light shinning upon it. 

We could not contain our joy and we broke out singing Christmas carols as we lay there! After awhile we started singing "Silent Night". We sang it over and over again! It was as if we could not stop. Silent night! Holy night! All is calm! All is bright!

In that childhood moment I felt such peace, happiness, calmness and security.  Feelings that were foreign to my little troubled heart and home life.

There is not a time that I sing Silent Night-- even now --after all these many years--that it does not take me back to that particular time and place. It never fails to put a lump in my throat and brings tears to my eyes!

Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright!
Christ the Saviour is born!

Merry Christmas everyone!
My Christmas wish for you is that you may have the peace, happiness, calmness and security that only Christ our Lord can give.

~~~the words to silent night were composed by a Catholic priest by the name of Joseph Mohr.~~~


Forsythia said...

Such lovely memories. Mom had an aluminum tree. When that one got raggedy, she found a white one flocked with artificial snow. She trimmed it with gold ornaments. Before she moved in with us, she had two Amish ladies, a mother and daughter, who cleaned her house. The Amish celebrate Christmas, but without trees. These two couldn't WAIT for Mom to set up the tree each year so that they could help her decorate it.

Patrinas Pencil said...

Beautiful memory! How precious that the Lord has preserved that early memory in you! Sounds like it should become a year round song for you. God's tangible presence was released to you..through that song...in that moment...and He lingers there for you...for always.

O how infinite and finite is His love for us!

I am peacefully blessed by this sharing. Thank you!

blessings for the new journey before us..

Patrina <")>><

Grayquill said...

I really liked that glimpse into your past. Thanks of sharing. I hope all is well with you and yours!