September 14, 1972 my beautiful first born baby girl was born! Thirty-six years ago is a really, really, long time ago! I did not have a clue what I would do with you!

Some how you survived and turned into this very cute, strong willed little girl. This must have been in my pre-dog phobia days! And BTW I made those pants you are wearing, really, I did.

Do you remember how much you begged me for that "lovely" rabbit coat you are wearing? Remember how it shed every where? Do you remember how much it cost? LOL!

The athletic years. Oops! I meant athletic months!

The rebellious years. Yes, I said y-e-a-r-s!

God had already blessed me with a daughter and along the way, He blessed me with a best friend.

And He is such a good God, and great God, He said, no my child, I got an even greater blessing for you. You not only have a daughter and a friend, you now have a sister of the soul! My sister in Christ, my soul sister

I am so proud of the person you have turned out to be. As you teach, it gives me great comfort in knowing you are touching the lives of children, our future, every day.
Hope you have a wonderful, and blessed day today!
I love you my daughter, my friend, my sister,
Happy Birthday, Mom & Dad
I love it!!
Jennifer has grown into a fine young lady. Belated happy birthday
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